THE GREAT LEADER IN THE CRISIS CONDITIONS - ข่าวเด่นวันนี้ | Today Highlight News


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วันพุธที่ 4 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2565




“Great leader can see opportunity in crisis condition”

“Great leader uses effective and hopeful communication.”

“Great leader focuses on building collaboration.”

“Great leader has critical thinking and decision making.”

Don’t you know? The crisis is a difficult moment/situation that suddenly plummets in economy, politics, culture, health and even physical which is unexpected, and confusing which causes panic in many people and most people are not prepared to deal with. The crisis will has a negative impact on various agencies or organizations. This creates pressure, threats and negative impacts on the people involved, such as individuals, organizations, from small to large numbers and can affect reputation for profit in doing business. Crisis can happen unexpectedly. Like the epidemic of a new type of virus, Covid-19, which is becoming a crisis for many organizations today. Therefore, the leader is the KEY in determining the best decision-making direction in difficult conditions.

We think in times of crisis like this we can learn a lot from True Leaders. We will see good and bad examples clearly before our eyes so we can choose to learn from them and take them as examples. However, when there are limitations, obstacles, and pressures, especially in a crisis like this it will allow us to see exactly who the real leader is, not just an image.

“Great leader can see opportunity in crisis condition.”

We hope that if you see a crisis, you will also see an opportunity. We can't just look at it in a negative light. We will be able to use the crisis as a BEST MOMENT for shared learning in an organization even at the country level. Crisis forces us to change, improve, improve, and cannot use the same old but more innovative ways of working to solve these problems. Great leaders use this opportunity to build a stronger organization. What if leaders could use critical time to explore the organization and what needs to be improved? Leaders tackle problems and work hard to solve problems. We think that the seriousness of the leadership will make workers/employees/members feel they have to be serious. Many problems have worked together to solve them together. From the seriousness of the leader, how well do employees feel about the organization/company? How will his welfare be better? How can the organization/company become more advanced and develop?

If we are good at seeing crises as opportunities, for example during the Covid-19 pandemic, then it is an opportunity for leaders/companies to show how much they care about their employees. How do you care for and treat your employees? How good is a work support system that allows employees to continue working without distraction, coercion, pressure even in the midst of a crisis? Is there a contingency plan? Is there anything to help businesses and employees? Are any employees competent enough to deal with major changes or require additional training? Who are the employees who will shine as future leaders? Anyone who looks like an unlikely form to survive, etc.

We think leaders are successful when they make employees feel that what the leader does is beneficial to employees in times of crisis. Leaders make employees feel meaningful about their presence. It makes us feel that leaders have a duty to protect their employees and want to do what's best to keep them safe or show that people's lives are more valuable than interests. Leaders will win the hearts of employees. Employees will work together to get the company through the crisis without leaving anyone in solitude and suffering.

“Great leader uses effective and hopeful communication.”

We think that when an organization faces a crisis problem, employees may have a lot of questions. He needs to know what problems the company is facing. And how did the company deal with the crisis at that time? If they know how they play a very important role in managing the problem. They will know what to do. The more employees know the correct information, the less panicked they will be. But if they don't know what is going on or what the company is doing, they will think to themselves that the company is doing nothing. The scary thing is when people think to themselves and talk about everything. And if he keeps talking to other people about how insecure & comfortable he feels in the company? People who listen will also view the company badly.

Every communication from a leader in times of crisis should be clear, straightforward, easy to understand, and have important things that people need to know. Anything that is difficult to understand must find a way to be digested easily or have a precise art of communication, even a variety of body language communication that makes the employee or recipient understand the communicator's good intentions and feel the sincerity, trust, caring sympathy that leaders have for employees open to more listening each other's reasons are needed. This allows for effective communication and minimizes the potential for misunderstandings.

"Great leaders focuses on building collaboration."

Unity and cooperation in solving problems will make the impossible possible. Collaboration is another important skill for leaders in times of crisis. A great leader is not necessarily good at everything, but must know how to empower others to be pioneers to work and create collaboration. Leaders must position themselves as supporters, encouragement, mentoring, and seeking outside cooperation in times of crisis. To help solve problems stuck in teams because teams work successfully is the success of the leader and the organization/company.

“Great leader has critical thinking and decision making”.

Critical thinking refers to the process of systematic analytical thinking by collecting data and assessing situations before making decisions based on principles and reasons without prioritizing personal feelings, beliefs, or opinions, this skill is very important in times of crisis. Because every decision of a leader has a big impact on many people. The right and firm decision of the leader will help the organization through the crisis.

We believe the crisis situation during the Covid-19 pandemic will be an important lesson for every organization/company, because this is an opportunity for organizations to learn, revise, innovate, improve, and change the ways of the past for the better. A great leader can definitely see this opportunity and within the organization he is able to take advantage of this opportunity to learn together with everyone involved in problem solving cooperatively.

*OPINION: Daee Ritto, Master of Management Student at Sultan Agung Islamic University (UNISSULA) Semarang, Indonesia.



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